- Space data archives and space-borne Earth observations play an essential role in monitoring ecosystems. Their transformations and responses to human interventions or climate extremes can now be studied in more detail than ever. This development is complemented by an increasing availability of a wide range of ground data. They cover many aspects of ecosystem functioning, structure, and other parameters relevant to fully describe the functional biogeography of ecosystems. The BACI project aims to tap into the yet-to-be realized potential of existing and scheduled space-borne Earth observations. In conjunction with ground data it will allow us to derive new essential ecosystem variables and to detect changes in ecosystem functioning. Co-interpreting these data will lead to a general “index of change” and essential downstream data products.

- GPP globe map: The total uptake of CO2 via photosynthesis (“Gross Primary Production, GPP”) can only be observed from eddy covariance towers. However, using modern machine learning methods and high-resolution ancillary data (e.g. from satellites or meteorology), we were able to estimate GPP at half-hourly intervals at the global scale. In this figure, we see how the day-night transition in GPP occurs.- Image license: CC BY 4.0
- ResearchGate Project Page
BACI-iLEAPS Joint workshop: "Progress on Biosphere-Atmosphere-Change indices Progress and review meeting"
Date: 04-05.02.2019
Location: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena. Germany
Link: Read more
Twitter feed launched
Link: Twitter
2nd BACI Progress and review meeting
Date: 21-23.11.2017
Location: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena. Germany
Link: Read more
BACI paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution: Ecosystem functioning is enveloped by hydrometeorological variability
Date: 21.09.2017
Link: Read more
BACI on the "Long Night of Sciences".
Date: 24.11.2017
Location: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena. Germany
Link: Read more
BACI and EEVs in "iDiv Annual Conference 2017".
Date: 19-20.09.2017
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Link: Read more
BACI Workshop on Environmental Informatic Challenges.
Date: 19-21.06.2017
Location: Jena, Germany
Link: Read more
"BACI: Essential Ecosystem Variables and ecosystem functional properties" at the KOSMOS Workshop.
Date: 30-31.03.2017
Location: Berlin, Germany
Link: Read more
BACI Workshop on regional validation and socio-economic dimension.
Date: 20-21.03.2017
Location: Vienna, Austria
Link: Read more
News Archieve
- The main user group benefitting from BACI will be scientists across disciplines and application areas ranging from biodiversity conservation to ecosystem ecologist, and scientists working at the interface of social and ecological systems.
- BACI also explores additional potential user groups. In particular WPs 7 & 8 are in charge of this endeavour and supported by dissemination activities in WP9. This includes user consultation workshops (e.g. Vienna; Nov. 2015) and establishing a network of data users from the land-system science community, experts from land system science, experts of co-design and co-production of knowledge, land managers and practitioners. In the remaining duration of the project, WP7 also aims at reaching additional users through various upcoming events, where BACI products will be introduced to a broader user community (Beijing; Oct. 2016). If you are interested in participating feel free to contact the management team at any point!
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