WP6 Regional validation
The aim of the work package is to provide an independent regional assessment and validation of the different BACI products. The main objectives are:
- To analyse and validate the developed down-stream data products (WP4) and the BACIndex results (WP5) for its sensitivity and quality to reflect and correctly attribute various climate induced changes on ecosystems in different regional contexts.
- To compare the results and assess potentials and limitations of the different approaches to reflect biophysical changes for the attribution of different drivers and assessing societal consequences (in-tandem with the methods developed in WP7).
- To synthesize the results and implications with focus on the design and implementation of a near-real time BACI monitoring system relevant to the European and international biodiversity targets (link to WP8). To assess and compare the BACI products, the work will focus on selected regional cases that reflect different ecosystems and various known transitions in the terrestrial biosphere.